Dharan Hospital has patient friendly protocols to ease the medical service experience. It comprises of Emergency Protocols / In Patient Protocols / Out Patient Protocols.

Emergency Protocols

  • Patients with RTA (Road Traffic Accident) cases, Unbearable Pain, Poison Intakes, Infectious Bites, can be treated by our Emergency Medical Team.
  • On account of Emergency treatment, Patient Attender will be requested to buy medicines from Pharmacy at the earliest.
  • With the guidance of Senior Consultants, Emergency Doctor will enroute the Patient Attender for the next of level of treatment.
  • Patient will be shifted to ICU or Wards according to the severity of the patient present condition.
  • Further, Patient Attender will be asked to follow the IP Protocols.

In Patient Protocols

  • On acceptance towards treatment under IP Admission, Attender will be explained about the room availability and payment procedures.
  • Attender are requested to fill the Admission Slip duly selection of ward / room category.
  • Admission related ‘Consent Forms’ should be sign by the Patient Attender.
  • The Patient and the Attender will be accompanied by Ward staff to their respective wards / rooms, along with their case sheets.
  • Nursing Team will receive patients and start their medical treatment as per the instructions of the Senior Consultants.
  • Patient Attender should procure medicines then and there, as per the requirement and guidance of the Senior Consultant.
  • On completion of medical / surgical treatment, Patient will be advised for ‘Discharge’ by respective Senior Consultant.
  • In Discharge Process, Case sheets will be moved to IP Bill Section for final bill preparation, which Patient Attender should settle. Payments cannot be accepted through Cheques.
  • If Insurance, Bill amount should go with approval amount, else rest should be paid by the patient side, we support you in all the aspects to coordinate with your Insurance company for maximum claim.
  • As part of discharge process, unused medicines (Injections, Tablets, Syrups and Drops only) can be returned to the pharmacy section towards purchase of patients discharge medications. This should be done before Bill Closure.
  • On full and final Settlement of the payment, ”Discharge Intimation Slip” will be issued by the IP Billing Section, which Patient Attender should hand over to the respective ward staff nurse.
  • Simultaneously, Discharge Summary will be prepared by the Summary Department Staff as per the guidance of the Duty Doctors, which will be handed to the ward staff nurse. On unavoidable cases, summary will be handed over during 1st review.
  • Ward Staff Nurse will explain in detail about the Discharge Medications and Instructions to the Patient and the Patient Attender along with review dates.
  • Other common protocols like,
    1. a. Feedback Forms will be asked to be filled by the Patient / Patient Attender.
    2. b. Suggestions (If Any) will be welcome from the Patient / Patient Attender side.
    3. c. Visiting Hours should be maintained strictly by the Attender.
    4. d. To avoid infections, Attender will be asked to stick to 'Visitors Time'.

Out Patient Protocols

  • When a new patient walk-in to the hospital, they have to register their name, address and contact no compulsorily with referral consultant name (if any) in the reception.
  • Our Reception Team, will issue a OP Registration cum Consultation Sheet with MRN No, along with consultant name, and guide the patient towards OP Consultation.
  • Our OP Staff at the Consultant Desk will receive the patient and lineup them for Doctor Consultation, after doing details basic vital checkups. i.e., Height, Weight, Blood Pressure, BMI, Allergic to specific medicines/foods, prevailing medical conditions, etc., if any.
  • Doctor consultation will be done in detail, with necessary Investigations and Medications (if any) with proper guidance about the illness. The curative procedure and process will be explained to your satisfaction.
  • The following is the clear guidance for various consultation outcome,
Consultation Outcome Process Outcome
If advised to be under 'Observation' with the support of Medication. Patient should proceed to Dharan PHARMACY only, to source their unique medicines at actual doze as prescribed by the respective consultants. Before leaving, fix appointment, on completion of the full course of medication.
If advised to undergo for 'Laboratory' Investigations. Post Doctor Consultation, patient should proceed to 'OP Billing Counter' were Lab Investigations should be billed first. Later patient can proceed to Lab to give their blood and other samples. Upon receiving the lab reports patient should fix appointment for review consultation.
If advised to undergo for 'Radiology' Investigations. Post Doctor Consultation, patient should proceed to 'OP Billing Counter' were Radiology Investigations (like X-Ray, CT, Ultrasound Scan, ECG, Eco and Treadmill) should be billed first. Then the patient can proceed to Radiology sections with bill copy to execute the respective investigation. Upon receiving the report patient should fix appointment for next review consultation.
If advised to undergo admission for Medical Management. Post Doctor advice, patient should proceed to admission counter for admission. Further follow the above IP Protocols.
If advised to undergo admission for Surgical Management. Post Doctor advice, patient should decide when to take up the surgery, depend on the cause and need of the medical condition. Once decided, they have to inform hospital to take up the surgery and book the OT in advance. Further follow the above IP Protocols.
  • In case of patient should go on Against Medical Advise (AMA), as per the Indian Medical Council norms before disengage the patient treatment; mandatory documents should be signed by the patient or patient attender without fail.
  • In case of patient medically critical and unprogressive or near death bed, Doctor will call the attender on a emergency basis and explain the condition in detail and elaborate the patient condition. If any surgery required, necessary consent will be taken from patient before proceeding to operation theatre.
  • For any other details, please contact 0427 – 2709999 / 2281599 / coo@dharanhospital.com.
  • http://penmaru.umsu.ac.id/transkrip_univ_pendaftar/
  • https://lp2m.uinmataram.ac.id/wp-includes/IXR/
  • http://dinastph.sumutprov.go.id/simare/file/pengujian/pages/
  • https://quiz.smknasional.sch.id/
  • https://12tkj.smknasional.sch.id/link/
  • https://mmt.its.ac.id/wp-includes/ID3/
  • https://slot4ds.agolde.com/products/slot4d/
  • https://mlgps.gensantos.gov.ph/emfcu/images/
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