Interventional Radiology

Interventional radiology is a medical specialization that involves in diagnose and treat disease. They treat a wide range of conditions in the body by inserting various small tools, such as catheters, wires from outside the body. The Doctors here they use CT, Ultrasound, MRI and Fluoroscopy to guide procedures. The images are very helpful for the Doctors to insert catheters, wires and other small Instruments and tools inside the body.

Dharan Hospital is equipped with state of the art CATH LAB covering Neuro Endovascular services in terms of  providing Superior 3D & HDCT Scan, Automated Perfusion CT Images for Stroke Thrombectormy Procedures.   

Neuro Vascular Interventions:

Stroke - Mechanical Thrombectony, Carotid Artery Stenting.

Brain Aneurysm - Simple Coiling / Ballon Assisted Coiling / Stent Assisted Coiling / Flow Diverter

Brain AVM / Dural AVF / Spinal AVM - Embolisation

Perihperal Vascular Interventions:

Varicose Veins - Radio Frequency / Microwave / Laser / Venaseal Ablation

Peripheral Artery Disease / Critical Limb Ischemia / Renal Artery Stenosis -

Angiography & Stenting.

Mescentric Ischemia - Thrombolysis & Stenting.

Body Interventions:

Image Guided Biopsy & Drainage

Hemoptysis - Bronchial & Pulmonary ARtery Embolisation

Gastrointestinal Bleeding - Embolisation

Vascular Malformation - Embolisation & Sclerotherapy

Liver Interventions - TACE for Hepatocelluar Carcinoma, TIPSS for Protal Hypertension, Hepatic Vein Stenting / DIPSS for Budd Chiari Syndrome, PTBD for Obstructive Biliopathy. Uterine Artery Embolisation for Fibroid Uterus, Post Partum Hemorrhage, Uterine AVM. Porstatic Artery Embolisation for Benign Porstate Hyperplasia.

Aortic Interventions 

Thoracic Aortic Aneurysm / Aortic Dissection - TEVAR

Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm - EVAR

For any further clarifications & queries,  contact Dharan Hospital @ 0427-2709999 / 95850-69990