
Pediatrics (Paediatrics) involves with medical care of Infants, Children and Adolescents. Doctors specialized in this field of child and adolescent medicine are called Pediatricians. Neonatologist deals with Newborn Infants.

Pediatrics Team of Dharan Hospital provide round-the-clock care to their New Born, Infants, Kids and  Childrens of both gender, with the support of NICU and PICU facilities at par to International standards.

Pre-term babies weighing from 650 grams till the age of 15 years were treated efficiently, covering all ailments and disorders on the respective age. Key issues like Dengue, respiratory illness, renal problems, liver complaints, and with other serious seasonal illnesses will be addressed with care.

Dharan's Pediatric Facilities:

24 X 7 Pediatric & Neonatologist Support.

Central Oxygen / Air / Suction.

Remote Control Pediatric Beds.

Blood Set Warmers, Paediatirc Warmer blankets.

Electrically Controlled Air Mattresses (Alpha Bed)

Electrically Controlled Acqua Mattresses (Aqua Bed)

Paediatric Haemodialysis Equipment.

CPAP & Heated, Humidified high-Flow Nasal Cannula respiratory Support System.

Servo controlled Warmers & Incubators.

Multi modal Hi-end Ventilators. with in-built CO2.

Touch Screen multi parameter monitors with CVP.

Arterial BP and End-tidal CO2 Measurements.

Single & Double Surface Phototheraphy with LED.

Exchange Transfusion.

Dharan's Pediatric Services:

New born Post Delivery Medical Service.

New born Metabolic Screening.

Neonatal & Pediatric Vaccinations.

Suractant Theraphy.

Total Parenteral Nutrition.

Dengue Care

Care for Respiratory illness.

Renal Care

Care for Liver Complaints.

Paediatric Allergies.

For any fiurther details please call Dharan Hospital at 0427-2709999 / 2281599