
Pulmonology or pneumology is a medical specialty that deals with diseases involving in the respiratory tract. Consultant of this department is called "Pulmonologist" which is also known as respirology, respiratory medicine, or chest medicine. Pulmonology is considered a branch of internal medicine, and is related to intensive care medicine. 

Dharan's exclusive COVID-19 Care is extensively  well received in the western districts of tamil nadu, were both Wave-1 (2020) and Wave-2 (2021) is well managed and addressed by our Sr.Pulmonologist Dr. Siddhuraj & his team that turned out great results.

Dharan's Department of Pulmonology do exclusively deals with key respiratory complications. They are

- Chest Diseases

- Complicated Chest Infections.

- Pneumonia

- Asthma


- Emphysema

- Smoking Complications

- COVID 19 Complications & Treatment 

Common Clinical Procedures: 

1. ABG - Arterial Blood Gas

2. PFT - Pulmonary Function Test

3. Bronchoscopy

4. Spirometry

5. Polysomnography (Sleep Study)

6. Scintigraphy (Neuclear Medicine)

7. X-Ray, CT / PET -Scan (Lung Cancer)

For any further details please contact Hospital at 0427-2709999. 2281599