

Faciomaxillary, in other words Maxillofacial Department deals with face and face defects and surgeries covering Face, Jaw and or Mouth. Maxillofacial specialization is part of dental specialization, equipped with advance surgical methodologies. Various procedures and practices do help in reducing the pain, deformities and restore functions in the face.

In recent days, Faciomaxillary surgeries are safe due to recent medical advancements. Irrespective of safety measures, some complication factors will be addressed based on its surgical procedures and protocols by Faciomaxillary surgeon.  

Some of the Faciomaxillary surgeries performed in Dharan Hospital are,

Arthrocentesis, Arthoplasty, Bone Grafting, Buccal Fat Pad Flap, Alveolar Bone Grafting, Cheek Implants, Chin Surgery (Genipplasty), Cosmetic Jaw / Dental Surgeries, Rib Grafts, Double Chin Removal, Facial Fracture/Implants Repair, Facial Contouring, Fibula Free Flap, Liposuction, Maxilo Mandibular Osteotomy, Maxilliary Reconstruction, Microvascular Reconstruction, Ear/Nose Reconstruction, Oral Biopsy, Oral Cancer Screening, Orbital Augmentation, Orbital Reconstruction, Oronasal Fistula Repair, Parotidectomy, Radial Forearm Free Flap, Scar Revision, Submadibular Gland Removal, Vascularized Bone Grafting, Vermilionectomy, Tooth / Wisdom Tooth Extractions, Tongue Reduction Surgery, etc.,

Dharan is equipped to perform all the above surgereis, with prior consultation and investigations based on appointments only.

For further details, kindly call 0427-2709955 / Call 95850-69990.


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