Pediatrics & Nenoatology

We offer the full breadth of Paediatric services, delivered by leading consultant paediatricians and an expert team of healthcare professionals. The complex medical care and surgery we provide is supported by our paediatric intensive care unit.

Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU)

All expectant parents hope that their babies will be healthy. Yet sometimes problems arise that require a newborn to be admitted to the NICU for treatment. Being born prematurely, having a difficult delivery or antenatal concerns are all reasons a baby may be admitted to the NICU

It is always stressful when a baby is unexpectedly admitted to the NICU. The length of a baby’s stay on the NICU varies depending on each individual baby’s needs. We aim to support the family throughout their baby's stay and encourage parents to become involved in their baby's care. The doctors, nurses, and other caregivers in the unit will do their best to provide emotional support for you while caring for your infant's medical needs.