Dharan has detail diagnostic medical services like Endo & Laparoscopic Unit, Cath Lab Unit, Dialysis Unit covering 4 shifts, and Radio Imaging Unit (X-Ray, Ultrasound & CT-Scan) which supports the 6 well equipped modernized Operations Theatres including Organ Transplant units.
Dharan Hospital is a 300+ Bedded Hospital, excluding ‘Center of Excellence’ units, covering General Ward, Private and Semi-Private Rooms, Deluxe and Suite Rooms as per the need of the patients with kind hospitality. 35+ Full-Time Consultants with 15+ Visiting Consultants were practicing their Out-Patient Clinic and utilizing In-Patient services in our hospital. Dharan is empanelled with leading private sector insurances and State Govt’s Health Insurances including State Govt’s Employee Scheme and Pensioners Scheme.
Dharan Hospital is a trusted symbol in the western region of Tamil Nadu in India, were a team of professionals in their work on National and International Patients and Medical Tourism focusing primarily in the middle-east and south-east Asian countries.
Overall, Dharan is ready to cuddle patients with utmost care, to heal the patient pain by our medical services with passionate care.
Welcome into Dharan world of Health Care Services. Visit www.dharanhospital.com